E-BOOK- No Chemicals Required

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Product Overview

E-book No Chemicals Required
Does your dog have really itch skin, is inflamed or has hot-spots?  Does your dog seem to be allergic to everything? Have you tried everything and even the vet has said 'he's just one of those dogs that will always suffer from itchy skin and feet? This doesn't have to be. Stop your dog's itch now.
This e-book book will literally save you thousands of dollars visiting the vet.  No more cortisone, skin scrapings, ongoing medications and suffering dogs. As a Homoeopath and Animal Homoepath, for years I have been helping dogs with itchy skin and allergies and it all boils down to simply a good diet and removing toxins....along with the help of  nature.
I wrote this e-book to give you the answers to really itchy skin and all the products you need to stop this quickly and easily.  No need to delay any longer - help is at hand for all skin allergies including mange, hot spots and that constant licking of paws, with a quick download of my new e-book. Yes I wrote it after years of answering the same questions and knowing how frustrating and often incredibly sad it was to see another dog suffering from some horrible skin condition. There are simple answers - and this ebook spells them out simply and clearly. Buy today.


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  • 4
    No Chemical Required

    Posted by ElaineREAR on 7th Feb 2017

    Very helpful resource. Great feeding routine advice.

  • 5
    Thanks for a great product.

    Posted by Unknown on 7th Jun 2013

    Thought you might be interested in this.... my sister's dog Hartley, had terrible skin problems - loosing hair, lots of fleas, very itchy skin, a lump on his lower back that he kept biting and he was generally very miserable. I suggested to her (on advice from your book No Chemicals Required) to take his flea collar off, stop feeding him dog food and to feed him chicken necks and veges. It was an overnight success!!! His fur is growing back, has fewer fleas, the lump on his back has gone and he's happy again. I have ordered a Neempet Liquid soap for her to use, as we have such great success with it. Thanks for a great product.